Nate Haiku

morning commute
train shadow
shooting through the trees

(Frogpond, 27:2)

sand sprays
my face

(Frogpond, 27:3)
cigarette break--
two men with aprons watching
the hot air balloons

(Modern Haiku 34:1)

thunderstorm watch--
a leaf skips over the slipstream
over the interstate

                                                                 (Modern Haiku, 35:1)

voice mail:
something about the monthly report
and birds

(Modern Haiku, 35:3)

election day
a patch of frozen spittle
on the ground

(Modern Haiku, 36:3)

late for work
sun speeding
through the trees

(Sixth Annual Suruga Baika Literary Festival Selected Works, Honorable Mention)

cirrus wisps--steeping
in the sunrise--the warm whine
of one mosquito

(Potpourri, A Quarterly Magazine of the Literary Arts, 14:2)


a pillar of mayflies
swirling in the sun

(The Heron's Nest, 5:10)

butchering a rabbit
cold rain
on my hat

(The Heron's Nest, 6:2)

tipping back
my whiskey glass:
the moon

                                                                (The Heron's Nest, 6:7)

the seeing-eye dog
looks upwind

(The Heron's Nest, 6:11)