Sunday, May 22, 2011

Another Weird Thing

So I've written about a couple a weird things since Christmas.  I wrote about the time I accidentally broke a curse on an old slave trading island in Cameroon.  I wrote about getting robbed by a deaf-mute with a spear gun and a snorkel in Guatemala.  I wrote about getting a tattoo in Tijuana, Mexico from a guy with a bull ring in his nose and a fetish on his desk.  I wrote about chasing a black bear down a hill.  There's a bunch of others, too.  Ben wrote about a lot of weird things, too.

Another weird thing happened when I was about nine years old or so.  It was hot and muggy in Yaounde, Cameroon, so I used to sleep with a fan next to my bed.  One night I went to unplug the fan in the living room so I could take it to my room.  My pinky stuck on the prong before the fan was fully unplugged.

Wham!  I was soaring through space.  I saw planets and stars.  I figured I was dead for sure.  But just in case I wasn't dead yet, I yelled for help.  The babysitter heard my halfhearted tone (Help, help, help, help), and figured I was messing around.  Eventually she told my younger sister to go check on me.  Tammy came in the room and saw me on the floor, shaking.  She went back and told the babysitter that she'd better come and see.

When the baby sitter touched my arm, she got a shock herself.  I guess she grounded the circuit because then I came back to my house from outer space.  I seem to remember that I was pretty proud of myself.

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